Curly birch premium grade knife handle wood. Dimensions: 30*50*152mm


Premium grade patterned Curly birch  block.

Size: 30 x 50 x 152mm; 1.18 x 1.96 x 5.9 inches

This wood is perfect for carving  hidden tang knife handles. Valued material also for making wooden jewelry, boxes or for any other precious handcrafted object.  Premium grade blank surface is  almost fully covered  with characteristic curly and wavy pattern. Please notice that this species pattern varys a lot- each side of the block may have its own  pattern. This block comes  sanded and is ready for  woodworking.

Availability: In stock (can be backordered)

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Curly birch, known also as Karelian birch. Often called as Masur birch, Birch burl, burl wood, Birch burr by its appearance.  Exotic patterned Curly birch wood is highly valued because for its unique pattern. Scandinavian craftsmen have used this wood for centuries in carving working tools and also weapons as curly birch is benign wood and it works well as a knife handle blank.

Curly birch wood is the perfect material for carving. It will work well by hand or machine. Highly recommended knife handle blank if you are making puukko or Sami knives.


Thickness 30mm

Width: 50mm

Length 152mm or longer

The dimensions may vary slightly.

Premium grade block

The Curly birch knife handle blank is fully covered with characteristic birch burl curly, grainy and wavy pattern.  The Curly birch trees are cut properly at wintertime, well dried and manually sawn by us. Our purpose was to bring out the best of this beautiful wood pattern containing flame- and curly figures. Premium quality wood does not contain bigger knots and  visible cracks.

This wood is ready for woodworking or stabilising process if wanted.

Please notice that wood is a natural material. Every Curly birch scale and its pattern is unique.

Additional information about Curly birch:

Curly birch grainy pattern wood belongs to the world’s ten most expensive among the exotic wood. This wanted and valuable material is sold in kilograms. Nevertheless, the Curly Birch wood is a sustainable wood, due to the fact, that most of the exotic wood comes from the tropical rainforests. Curly birch is a light-demanding and slow-growing tree and therefore this valuable quality wood is cultivated as stands in former agricultural areas or other nutritious, rich soils on sunny slopes.  

Even though Curly birch is considered as an exotic wood, the trade of this wood is not regulated with Cites regulation (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). So, the manufacturing and use of this beautiful exotic wood does not harm wildlife and natural diversity of tropical rainforests.

Our plantation curly birch trees are certified clones of most famous Finnish curly birch tree called “Visa Kuningatar“ The seller of this wood, Rita Rubin, is the member of Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification, which is dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management. Seller PEFC certification number is TT-PEFC-FM006. You can find PEFC certified forest owners here:

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